Weekly blog 3
Throughout this week I have achieved a lot. I might even say the most progress was made in these past 5 work days. While my work days have been decreasing in length, the value of what I accomplish on campus increases everyday. After learning the process of bees waxing steel sculptures, I was able to finalize many of my metal pieces including a stool I made between the fall and spring terms. I was able to put that stool in the Proctor art show which I was happy about. I am also very happy to have finalized my flower pots and kayak sculpture. The garden sculpture will be left un-bees waxed so it can get a unique rusted, weathered look. Unfortunately, this week’s surprises were not the good kind as the ceramic pots I made for that same sculpture were damaged in the kiln along with a vase I threw. This is not an enormous concern though because I still consider the garden sculpture a great success. I am preparing to finish my second major project along with a little desk lamp over the next two days. I have a slideshow displaying pictures of my pieces along with documentation of the making process. I have yet to design a final pamphlet design but am planning to do that either tomorrow or Tuesday. I am at the tail end of this project with these last two pieces. All three goals will be met within the next couple of days. When I’m done with the second major piece my major project goal will be met, which I’m super excited about because these I can display in my house in the future. I am also extra close to meeting the minor project goal of six small projects or varying arts. These will be nice to keep in the house and my room, or as gifts, who knows? The presentation aspect is actually done but I need quality pictures of all my sculptures for my guide pamphlets which I can get tomorrow. By the end of Tuesday I will be more than ready to display some nice artworks both at home and at express fest.
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