
Last night and the end of today both took quite extreme, unexpected turns. Late last night, I debated the practicality of my project. How am I supposed to realistically complete a martial arts based project of 100 hours, if I cannot even do most of the martial arts? I decided it would be best to return to classes. So because of a combination of that and another detail I will mention after, I will now describe a regular day of Wednesday classes. My day began with G block finance with Doug Houston. Due to senior project there are about five kids remaining in that class, and all the rest for that matter. We discussed the matter of a final project all class. Next was F block literature. Karin Clough introduced me to a new novel called Prep. I have not read any yet but it's supposed to center around a girls experience as a transfer student in a very prestigious high school. For A block I had a study block. I ate two bowls of Raisin Bran and Kix cereal while doing college course requests. My class day ended with C block anatomy and physiology. Our class (also consisting of about five kids) is currently working on art projects detailing any anatomically correct part of the body. I sketched a skull but forgot to take a picture. Now that classes are done things get interesting. With my broken ankle I cannot kayak but I needed to find my coach, Corbett Leith to tell him I am on the medical roster. Through discussion he suggests asking about a revised senior project application involving the forge and ceramic studio. I had doubts that anything could pass but Corby can be a very convincing individual so we went to inquire. I was able to gain the opportunity to resubmit a project application form (which I have since done by the way) and get myself back on senior project! Excitement is in the air!


  1. Yay! Glad to see things are back to projecting!:)


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