Day 13 5/13/19

Today was a very successful day in the forge! I completed the four support legs of my garden sculpture. To do this I cut four bars of steel to be two feet in length. I heated the middle of each bar enough to bend in a vice and then bent one end in the opposite direction, creating a zig-zag shape. The second bend is a smaller length so I tapered that into a wedge to fit to the side of the hanger. The other, longer end was tapered into a point to stick into the ground. All four legs are the same and have been welded onto the base of the sculpture. This stands about seven feet tall out of the ground.

I also spent a little time in the ceramics studio to trim and smooth my flower pots for this project.

Today's hours: 5 1/2

Total hours: 42


  1. Wow, what a cool idea! Looking forward to seeing it all completed :)


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