Work Day 16 5/16/19

I began my day by heading into Slocumb to glaze the last of my ceramic pieces. Unfortunately, I took no pictures of what I did in Slocumb today. The pieces I glazed were the second major project, a black and white collapsible globe like structure, a simple bowl, and a lamp shade to be put on a metal base. I spent about a half an hour in the studio before heading over to the forge. Once again, I came out with no photos but this time because my phone died in the forge. I spent my time finishing my set of flower pots and kayak sculpture. I cut a cockpit in the kayak and rotated the blades on the paddle to replicate a right-handed paddle, rather than a left one. I completed welding the legs onto the steel rings of the flower pot holders and ground the excess steel off. Tomorrow I should be able to bees wax these so they are finally finished.

Today's hours: 2 1/2

Total hours: 51 1/2! Hours completed!


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